Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sunset - February 10, 2009

Here are some real quick snapshots of the sunset this evening. I was supposed to be practicing piano but couldn't resist! ! ! These are my typical untouched, as they are photos - I haven't even cropped them! It was an incredible display!


Unknown said...

WOW! =)

Sidney Trobairitz Barthell said...

YES!! I SAW THAT! Especially the SunBurst one toward the end! WOW is RIGHT, it was spectacular. I was so sorry I didn't have my camera! SOO GLAD you caught it!

Diane said...

Me, too, Sidney! Glad you saw it too!

ivars krafts said...

"Incredible" and so much more! Praise the Lord for the beauty of His creation!

Diane said...

Yes, Ivars, it was incredible, indeed!

Rebekah, should I have woken you to see it? just kidding :)

Unknown said...

YES! PLEASE! ALWAYS wake me up for such a show! =)

Unknown said...

Amazing Diane!! I want to move in with you!

Unknown said...

YEAH, Rebecca! Come move in with us! :0)