"The Dash...
In July 2006, a short 3-minute movie was launched on the Internet called The Dash. Since then, over 40 million people from around the world have watched it; and over 20,000 a day continue to watch it as a result of people passing it along.
The movie has been more successful than anyone could have ever imagine. More importantly, however, it has inspired many, many people to reflect on their lives and ask that all important question, 'Are my priorities where they should be?"
In July 2006, a short 3-minute movie was launched on the Internet called The Dash. Since then, over 40 million people from around the world have watched it; and over 20,000 a day continue to watch it as a result of people passing it along.
The movie has been more successful than anyone could have ever imagine. More importantly, however, it has inspired many, many people to reflect on their lives and ask that all important question, 'Are my priorities where they should be?"
I was so blessed by it, I've included it in my list of Favorites in the sidebar of this page. If you would like to view the video, just click "The Dash" and it will be right there for you to enjoy.
Blessings on your day!!!
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