The value of healthy relationships should never be under estimated. We are made to be connected to people. Going it alone just doesn't work - and there really isn't any comparison between life with healthy relationships and life without them. ( I could list a few other words that would be included in the description of 'healthy': positive, understanding, honest, encouraging, supportive, dependable, wise.)
As my husband and I start a new church work, we are joined by 4 of the most incredible men we have ever been privileged to be in relationship with and to work alongside of. Their wives are also beautiful examples of healthy and mature people and their participation in our church beginnings is truly valuable. But, the men are the leadership - making decisions, forming foundational positions, praying for and supporting Jeff and I in all that God has laid on our hearts to be and to do.
Last night, the men were here at our home for their weekly meeting and during their prayer time, they asked if they could pray for me. I am the one who leads the worship time on Sundays. I've been a 'worship leader' in many churches since I was a teenager. and have been 'appreciated' by many people who have been blessed while worshiping the Lord with me, but, I have never experienced what I did last night - anywhere, anytime, with any other group of people.
Last night, for the first time, I experienced the most overwhelming enveloping of my heart and calling by 4 men I truly love and respect in the Lord. Their recognition of my need to be anointed, encouraged, supported, cherished, and protected caused me to feel fully connected with the whole of everything we are working toward to a degree I could never have imagined. The experience left me with the realization that I am a person of value and worth to them as they are to me. In their humility, grace and love flowed fluently from their hearts, through their lips and eyes to my heart. I will never forget last night.
The effects of their relationship with me, increased my strength and 'vision'. They validated and encouraged me. That's really difficult to do by yourself! They held me up, as it were, to be and to fly in all that I have been created to do. There was no control or condemnation for my struggles - just pure love from the heart of God to me. That's what relationship should do! It should be the instrument through which God can touch our hearts to bring us His life and love.
And, as I prepare for next Sunday, my heart and mind are free! I am so free! There's a perpetual smile on my face that comes from deep within! ! ! There is more worship music flowing through my heart and mind than I can keep up with! What a beautiful state to be in!
Jeff and I have done many 'church' things over the years, usually on our own, as leaders. There is NO comparison between those experiences and this where we are surrounded by strong, healthy, godly men. Thank you, men, for gifting us with your great friendship! and Thank you, Lord, for gifting us with these great men!